Wednesday, 20 March 2013


I always think it's interesting how some colours that may look dreadful on people (I'm talking about myself here), look beautiful in nature.  I look pretty ordinary in yellow, but when I saw these flowers by the side of the road the other day they caught my eye and I had a pull over and take some snaps.

Sunday, 10 March 2013

10 on 10

I missed last month, so joining in again with Ten on Ten.
Today was busy, but OK.  Hubby was sick so I had to do a lot of things that are usually shared in order to get ready for the coming week.  My day looked a bit like this.

This is part of a sculpture that hangs on our bedroom wall and it's usually the first thing I see when I wake up.

Morning coffee - a must have

Band practice for church ... which sticks today ...?

Playing one of my favourites

 Daughter #1 doing some cooking ... love the apron!

Grocery shopping done and bags unpacked

The results of earlier cooking efforts

Quick run around the dog park

I am loving reading this series to my two older kids ... almost finished Book 4

At last, some time to myself

ten on ten button

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Scavenger Hunt

I have been wanting to join in with Ashley's Scavenger Hunt Sunday for a while now, and finally found some time to do it.  This week she has chosen 5 colours of the rainbow.

So here are my 5 photos for the week.

My friend has a beautiful flowering gum tree out the front of her house, and it is in full bloom at the moment - I love summer.

Last year I went on a walk around the streets of Cabramatta in south-western Sydney.  There were so many things on display, but the amount of fresh produce was amazing.

I had to drive up to the Hunter Valley this week for work and took my camera 'just in case'.  These flowers on the side of the road caught my eye.

I took this photo last year, mucking around with my camera under a tree in our front yard.

We had a lovely beach holiday a few weeks ago. During one of our evening walks we spotted hundreds of blue bottles along the beach.  Luckily, no-one was stung.

Joining in with